Monday, March 2, 2009


Life defined is as follows: "the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally." Life is scientific. Life is measured. Life is defined. Life is able to be measured and defined by scientific methods because science has a been given an opposite, or a zero. The opposite of life is non-life, or death. In order for an organism or being to come into life, from death, requires certain characteristics present in each singular environment. A fish needs water. A plant needs light. A fly needs food. There are a number of necessities to life that, without their presence, death comes quickly or life does not begin in the first place. This is new to no one and rarely will one question the necessities of the body. So life is the development from non-life into life based on an organism's ability to metabolize, reproduce, and adapt to its environment. Also, and more importantly, to sustain such life requires certain external stimuli and support to remain living or sustain life. However, are we just machines? Are we solely a definition in a dictionary? Are we really that normal?

Webster goes on to say, in his extensive (but possibly not comprehensive) definition on life, the following: "a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul." In my opinion, what Mr. Webster is attempting to say is that there is more to life than a body. We are more. There is a "corresponding state" of existence that survives apart from the body. This existence is life, however it is not life of the body, nor is it connected to the life or health of the body. This is the soul.

The soul is life. What is life? Life, when pertaining to the soul, is a state of the soul that does not know death. The soul has its needs, just as the body has its needs. Similarly, if the soul is deprived of its needs, it will die.

As humans, we tend to feel comfortable in darkness, in hiding, in sin. It's here that our minds have been molded into being comfortable. Our souls are filthy, but the thought of exposing one's soul to cleaning is so unattractive and so painful that the decision to do so is a difficult one to make. Humans are comfortable in the darkness, but we are healthy in the light. What, then, is light for the soul? The apostle John records Christ's words as this: "I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This would be a bold and weightless statement from a man, but from the Son of God, it's quite pointed and unavoidable. Christ is Light. Our souls need light to live, His light. Our body needs certain things to sustain life. Our soul needs certain things to sustain life. Eat and live. Follow Christ and live. It's scientific my friends. It's scientific.

Shed your darkness. Take off your hat. Come outside into the light. Be free of the shade, of the darkness, and of sin. Cast away your umbrella, allow your face to be illuminated. Come into the warmth and light of Christ. It is the only way you will survive. This is what everyone considers when seeing a girl with an umbrella right? Maybe not. I raised my Nikon FA to my peculiar eye, checked the exposure, pressed gently on that little silver button, and, hearing the open and close of my shutter, knew I would have a little something to write about.

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